Lying supine on the Seychelles; Laureates and lariats; Pomegranates-mangled yield mango and pears; Dapperly dressed character, coming & going; Get to a town, find a country and state
Schpuzzle of the Week:
Laureates and lariets
Take the name a TV Western character portrayed by a future movie star.
Anagram the character’s surname to form the surname of a Nobel Prize laureate.Anagram the character’s first name to form an adjective describing this Nobel laureate’s output.
What are the names of this character and laureate?
What is the adjective?
Appetizer Menu
Ripcord-Roarin’ Appetizer:
Get to a town, find a country and state
“You can’t get there from here...” 1. ???There is a town in the lower 48 United States of America that cannot be reached by car, rail or foot without first traveling through a foreign country. Can you name it?Hint: No man is an island... neither is this town.
A stately country dish
2. ?Name a country in one word, then add the one-word name of one of our states to the end.
The result is the name of a well-known culinary dish of another country, in two words.
What is the name of this dish?
Tropical Tourism Slice:
Lying supine on the Seychelles
Spoonerize (that is, switch the initial sounds of) the two parts of a compound adjective that might describe a tourist after she or he returns from a tropical vacation. Place a space between the two parts, then place a two-letter preposition in that space.
The result sounds like a three-word phrase for what the tourist was likely lying upon during much of the the vacation.
What are this adjective and phrase?
Riffing Off Shortz And Mace Slices:
Pomegranates-mangled yield mango and pears
Will Shortz’s January 29th NPR Weekend Edition Sunday puzzle, created by Samuel Mace of Smyrna, Delaware, reads:Name a fruit in one word. Drop the last two letters. The remaining letters can be rearranged to name two other fruits. What are they?
Puzzleria!s Riffing Off Shortz And Mace Slices read:
Name a puzzle-maker in two words. Delete one of two consonants that appear twice in his name.Rearrange the remainng letters to spell the name of an Old Testament figure who was cheated out of his inheritance, and a creature whose pelt may have figured into the ruse used by his brother in doing so.
Who is the puzzle-maker?
What are the Old Testament figure and creature?
Note: Entree #2 was created and contributed by a friend and a fan of Puzzleria! We proudly and gratefully present it here:
Name a fruit in one word. Delete a pair of double letters in the word. (For example, if “grasshopper” were a color you would remove either the “ss” or the “pp”.)
ROT 22 the remaining second letter. ROT 2
the remaining last letter. The resulting remaining letters can be rearranged to name two animals.
What is the fruit, and what are the animals?
ENTREE #3Name a fruit in one word. Drop the last two letters. Rearrange consecutive letters of the result to spell a three-letter synonym of a four-letter word for what is found on the skin of a certain fruit. The remaining letters, in order, spell a smaller fruit.
What is the one-word fruit?
What are the three-letter synonym and four-letter word?
What is the smaller fruit?
Hint #1: The four-letter word and its three-letter synonym begin with the same two letters.
Hint #2: The “certain fruit,” followed by the four-letter word, is sometimes found on skin that is not the skin of a fruit.
ENTREE #4Name a fruit that is a compound word. Replace its “e” with an “a” and place a space between the compound parts. The result is the name of a person who served more than 15 years as a mayor, but who also served six months in a federal prison.
What is this fruit?
Who was this mayor?
Name a fruit, in one word, and a Spanish word for any of several oaks of California and Mexico. Rearrange these 12 combined lettersto name two months of the year.
What are this fruit and word for one of these oaks?
What are the two months?
ENTREE #6Name a four-letter proper noun that appears four times in the first four chapters of Genesis.
Name also an adjective and noun together that describe 1) St. Thérèse of Lisieux, 2) St. Teresa of Ávila, 3) Mother Teresa and 4) Kateri Tekakwitha. Drop the last two letters. The 13 letters of this result can be rearranged to name a fruit in two words.
What are this proper noun, adjective and noun and two-word fruit?
Take a four-letter word for animal or vegetable matter (such as chopped fish or corn) thrown overboard to attract fish. Name also a specific five-letter fruit that you might also try using as bait.
Rearrange these combined letters to spell two fruits that begin with the same letter.
What are this fish-attracting word and fruity bait?
What are the two alliterative fruits?
Name two similar fruits, each beginning with a letter in the first fourth of the alphabet. Name also a spherical fruit. Replace an “a” with an “o”.
Rearrange these combined 13 letters to spell:
? two similar creatures that, if smooched by a princess, might transform into handsome prince, and
? a lamp-dweller who may perform such a transformation if no princess is available.
What are these similar fruits and the spherical fruit?
What are the two similar creatures and the lamp-dweller?
Name a fruit in one word that is usually followed by the word “fruit,” and a variety of another fruit, each in four letters.
Double a letter in the first fruit. Rearrange those five letters to spell the first name of a fictional plumber. Add the letter that you doubled to the four letters in the other fruit variety, then rearrange the result to name that plumber’s twin.What are this fruit and variety of fruit?
Who are the twin plumbers?
Name a fruit in one word.
Rearrange its first four letters to name something Billy Collins penned.Rearrange its remaining letters to name the title of what he penned.
What is this fruit?
What did Billy Collins pen. What is its title?
Hint: This particular something that Billy Collins penned appeared in The New Yorker a decade ago.
Dessert Menu
Chic Sequel Dessert:
Dapperly dressed character, coming & going
Think of a movie that spawned multiple sequels.
Find a verb for what the lead character was able to do to death very early on in that movie.The second two-thirds of this verb spell something he wore on his back. The first third sounds like something he wore on his front.
Who is this lead character?
What did he wear on his back and what did he
wear on his front?
What was he able to do to death, early on?
Hint: The character was known by more than one name.
Every Friday at Joseph Young’s Puzzleria! we publish a new menu of fresh word puzzles, number puzzles, logic puzzles, puzzles of all varieties and flavors. We cater to cravers of scrumptious puzzles!
Our master chef, Grecian gourmet puzzle-creator Lego Lambda, blends and bakes up mysterious (and sometimes questionable) toppings and spices (such as alphabet soup, Mobius bacon strips, diced snake eyes, cubed radishes, “hominym” grits, anagraham crackers, rhyme thyme and sage sprinklings.)
Please post your comments below. Feel free also to post clever and subtle hints that do not give the puzzle answers away. Please wait until after 3 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesdays to post your answers and explain your hints about the puzzles. We serve up at least one fresh puzzle every Friday.We invite you to make it a habit to “Meet at Joe’s!” If you enjoy our weekly puzzle party, please tell your friends about Joseph Young’s Puzzleria! Thank you.
* This article was originally published here
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